Sunday 19 October 2014

video of death scene

>For the death of my character Micke and his friend and friends older brother Jonny and Jimmy we use a movement piece where Eli picks up off and eventually kills us. The piece starts when Jimmy is holding Oskars head in the sink. Eli runs in and throws us all backwards one by one. I really enjoy doing the movement piece as it is very fast paced but the movement are so simple that we can all do them effectivelly. Watching the video of this scene really helped me as I can see it from a perspective that ive never been able to see it from. This helps me out as i can see if i can improve on anything. For example sometimes when i get thrown i hit a tree which will be a problem as it means that i may break part of the set. Seeing the movement from the point of view of the audience helps out and lets me anaysis every movement. The next time we rehearse the scene i am going to try and improve on everything i feel that went wrong the last time we rehearsed.

1) dont hit a tree

2) crouch down more so steve can roll on my back easier

3) try to hold breath more when i die

4) try to make my death look more realistic

5) try to stay still when i am dead.

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